The Amlogic S905Y4 chipset, featuring a quad-core ARM Cortex-A35 processor, has become a popular choice for Android 4K set-top boxes in India. This chipset offers efficient performance and supports advanced features like AV1 decoding and HDR10+, enhancing the streaming experience. If you’re considering an upgrade to your home entertainment system, here are some top Android 4K set-top boxes in India powered by the Amlogic S905Y4 processor:
S905Y4PRO Specification
Model NO: S905Y4Pro
SOC: Amlogic S905Y4
CPU: ARM Quad 64-bit Cortex-A35
Flash: eMMC 16GB,
Graphics: ARM Mali-G31 MP2 GPU , OpenGL ES3.2,Vulkan1.1 and OpenCL2.0
HDR: HDR 10, HLG, HDR 10+
OS: Android™ 11
DRM: Widevine, Playready
Resolution: Up to 4Kp60
Ethernet: RJ45 Interface 10M/100M adaptive
Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi 2.4GHz/5GHz 802.11a/b/g/n/ac
Bluetooth: yes
Package Contents
1 x STB Device
1 x Power Adaptor
1 x HDMI Cable
1 x Remote Control
1 x Quick Guide